generate (non-generic) interfaces and capability accessors

This commit is contained in:
Vaci Koblizek 2020-10-06 18:26:50 +01:00
parent b94f2d6c8c
commit 3b0e3f37a0

View file

@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ private:
bool hasInterfaces = false;
kj::StringTree javaFullName(Schema schema) {
return javaFullName(schema, nullptr);
kj::StringTree javaFullName(Schema schema, kj::Maybe<InterfaceSchema::Method> method) {
auto node = schema.getProto();
if (node.getScopeId() == 0) {
@ -1022,8 +1026,41 @@ private:
} else if (kind == FieldKind::INTERFACE) {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("interfaces unimplemented");
auto factoryArg = makeFactoryArg(schema::Type::ANY_POINTER);
auto capType = typeName(field.getType(), kj::str("Client")).flatten();
return FieldText {
spaces(indent), " public boolean has", titleCase, "() {\n",
spaces(indent), " return !_pointerFieldIsNull(", offset, ");\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " public ", capType, " get", titleCase, "() {\n",
spaces(indent), " return new ", capType, "(_getPointerField(", factoryArg, ", ", offset, ").getAsCap());\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n"),
spaces(indent), " public final boolean has", titleCase, "() {\n",
spaces(indent), " return !_pointerFieldIsNull(", offset, ");\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " public ", capType, " get", titleCase, "() {\n",
spaces(indent), " return new ", capType, "(\n",
spaces(indent), " _getPointerField(", factoryArg, ", ", offset, ").getAsCap());\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " public void set", titleCase, "(", capType, " value) {\n",
spaces(indent), " _initPointerField(", factoryArg, ", ", offset, ", 0).setAsCap(value);\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
} else if (kind == FieldKind::ANY_POINTER) {
auto factoryArg = makeFactoryArg(field.getType());
@ -1535,7 +1572,130 @@ private:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
struct InterfaceText {
kj::StringTree outerTypeDef;
kj::StringTree clientServerDefs;
InterfaceText makeInterfaceText(kj::StringPtr scope, kj::StringPtr name, InterfaceSchema schema,
kj::Array<kj::StringTree> nestedTypeDecls, int indent) {
auto fullName = kj::str(scope, name);
auto methods = KJ_MAP(m, schema.getMethods()) {
return makeMethodText(fullName, m);
auto proto = schema.getProto();
auto hexId = kj::hex(proto.getId());
auto typeName = javaFullName(schema);
return InterfaceText {
spaces(indent), "public static class ", name, "{\n",
spaces(indent), "\n",
spaces(indent), " public static class Client extends org.capnproto.Capability.Client {\n",
spaces(indent), " public Client() {}\n",
spaces(indent), " public Client(org.capnproto.ClientHook hook) { super(hook); }\n",
spaces(indent), " public Client(org.capnproto.Capability.Client cap) { super(cap.getHook()); }\n",
spaces(indent), " public Client(Server server) { super(server); }\n",
spaces(indent), " public Client(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<org.capnproto.ClientHook> promise) {\n",
spaces(indent), " super(promise);\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " public static abstract class Server extends org.capnproto.Capability.Server {\n",
spaces(indent), " protected org.capnproto.DispatchCallResult dispatchCall(\n",
spaces(indent), " long interfaceId, short methodId,\n",
spaces(indent), " org.capnproto.CallContext<org.capnproto.AnyPointer.Reader, org.capnproto.AnyPointer.Builder> context) {\n",
spaces(indent), " if (interfaceId == 0x", hexId, "L) {\n",
spaces(indent), " return dispatchCallInternal(methodId, context);\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " return org.capnproto.Capability.Server.result(\n",
spaces(indent), " org.capnproto.Capability.Server.internalUnimplemented(\"", name, "\", interfaceId));\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), "\n",
spaces(indent), " protected org.capnproto.DispatchCallResult dispatchCallInternal(short methodId, org.capnproto.CallContext<org.capnproto.AnyPointer.Reader, org.capnproto.AnyPointer.Builder> context) {\n",
spaces(indent), " switch (methodId) {\n",
KJ_MAP(m, methods) { return kj::mv(m.dispatchCase); },
spaces(indent), " default:\n",
spaces(indent), " return org.capnproto.Capability.Server.result(\n",
spaces(indent), " org.capnproto.Capability.Server.internalUnimplemented(\"", name, "\", 0x", hexId, "L, methodId));\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), " }\n\n",
KJ_MAP(m, methods) { return kj::mv(m.sourceDefs); },
spaces(indent), " }\n",
spaces(indent), "\n",
KJ_MAP(n, nestedTypeDecls) { return kj::mv(n); },
spaces(indent), "\n",
spaces(indent), "}\n",
spaces(indent), "\n")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
struct MethodText {
kj::StringTree sourceDefs;
kj::StringTree dispatchCase;
MethodText makeMethodText(kj::StringPtr interfaceName, InterfaceSchema::Method method) {
auto proto = method.getProto();
auto name = proto.getName();
auto titleCase = toTitleCase(name);
auto paramSchema = method.getParamType();
auto resultSchema = method.getResultType();
auto identifierName = safeIdentifier(name);
auto paramProto = paramSchema.getProto();
auto resultProto = resultSchema.getProto();
bool isStreaming = method.isStreaming();
auto interfaceTypeName = javaFullName(method.getContainingInterface());
kj::String paramType = (paramProto.getScopeId() == 0)
? kj::str(interfaceTypeName, "Params")
: kj::str(javaFullName(paramSchema, method));
kj::String resultType = (resultProto.getScopeId() == 0)
? kj::str(interfaceTypeName, "Results")
: kj::str(javaFullName(resultSchema, method));
auto interfaceProto = method.getContainingInterface().getProto();
uint64_t interfaceId = interfaceProto.getId();
auto interfaceIdHex = kj::hex(interfaceId);
uint16_t methodId = method.getIndex();
auto requestMethodImpl = kj::strTree(
isStreaming ? kj::strTree("org.capnproto.StreamingRequest<", paramType, ">")
: kj::strTree("org.capnproto.Request<", paramType, ", ", resultType, ">"),
name, "Request() {\n",
? kj::strTree(" return newStreamingCall<", paramType, ">(\n")
: kj::strTree(" return newCall<", paramType, ", ", resultType, ">(\n"),
" 0x", interfaceIdHex, "L, ", methodId, ");\n"
return MethodText {
" protected java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<?> ", identifierName, "(org.capnproto.CallContext<", titleCase, "Params.Reader, ", titleCase, "Results.Builder> context) {\n"
" return org.capnproto.Capability.Server.internalUnimplemented(\n"
" \"", interfaceProto.getDisplayName(), "\", \"", name, "\",\n"
" 0x", interfaceIdHex, "L, (short)", methodId, ");\n"
" }\n\n"),
" case ", methodId, ":\n",
" return org.capnproto.Capability.Server.",
isStreaming ? "streamResult" : "result", "(\n",
" this.", identifierName, "(org.capnproto.Capability.Server.typedContext(\n"
" ", paramType, ".factory,\n",
" ", resultType, ".factory, context)));\n")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1668,7 +1828,24 @@ private:
} else if (proto.isInterface()) {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("interfaces not implemented");
for (auto method: proto.getInterface().getMethods()) {
Schema params = schemaLoader.getUnbound(method.getParamStructType());
auto paramsProto = schemaLoader.getUnbound(method.getParamStructType()).getProto();
if (paramsProto.getScopeId() == 0) {
toTitleCase(kj::str(method.getName(), "Params")), params, indent + 1));
Schema results = schemaLoader.getUnbound(method.getResultStructType());
auto resultsProto = schemaLoader.getUnbound(method.getResultStructType()).getProto();
if (resultsProto.getScopeId() == 0) {
toTitleCase(kj::str(method.getName(), "Results")), results, indent + 1));
// Convert the encoded schema to a literal byte array.
@ -1834,7 +2011,16 @@ private:
case schema::Node::INTERFACE: {
hasInterfaces = true;
auto interfaceText =
makeInterfaceText(scope, name, schema.asInterface(), kj::mv(nestedTypeDecls), indent);
return NodeTextNoSchema {
case schema::Node::CONST: {