package org.capnproto; final class WireHelpers { public static int roundBytesUpToWords(int bytes) { return (bytes + 7) / 8; } public static int roundBitsUpToWords(long bits) { //# This code assumes 64-bit words. return (int)((bits + 63) / ((long) Constants.BITS_PER_WORD)); } static class AllocateResult { public final int ptr; public final int refOffset; public final SegmentBuilder segment; AllocateResult(int ptr, int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment) { this.ptr = ptr; this.refOffset = refOffset; this.segment = segment; } } public static AllocateResult allocate(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, int amount, // in words byte kind) { // TODO check for nullness, amount == 0 case. int ptr = segment.allocate(amount); if (ptr == SegmentBuilder.FAILED_ALLOCATION) { //# Need to allocate in a new segment. We'll need to //# allocate an extra pointer worth of space to act as //# the landing pad for a far pointer. int amountPlusRef = amount + Constants.POINTER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; BuilderArena.AllocateResult allocation = segment.getArena().allocate(amountPlusRef); //# Set up the original pointer to be a far pointer to //# the new segment. FarPointer.set(segment.buffer, refOffset, false, allocation.offset); FarPointer.setSegmentId(segment.buffer, refOffset,; //# Initialize the landing pad to indicate that the //# data immediately follows the pad. int resultRefOffset = allocation.offset; int ptr1 = allocation.offset + Constants.POINTER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; WirePointer.setKindAndTarget(allocation.segment.buffer, resultRefOffset, kind, ptr1); return new AllocateResult(ptr1, resultRefOffset, allocation.segment); } else { WirePointer.setKindAndTarget(segment.buffer, refOffset, kind, ptr); return new AllocateResult(ptr, refOffset, segment); } } static class FollowBuilderFarsResult { public final int ptr; public final long ref; public final SegmentBuilder segment; FollowBuilderFarsResult(int ptr, long ref, SegmentBuilder segment) { this.ptr = ptr; this.ref = ref; this.segment = segment; } } public static FollowBuilderFarsResult followBuilderFars(long ref, int refTarget, SegmentBuilder segment) { //# If `ref` is a far pointer, follow it. On return, `ref` will //# have been updated to point at a WirePointer that contains //# the type information about the target object, and a pointer //# to the object contents is returned. The caller must NOT use //# `ref->target()` as this may or may not actually return a //# valid pointer. `segment` is also updated to point at the //# segment which actually contains the object. //# //# If `ref` is not a far pointer, this simply returns //# `refTarget`. Usually, `refTarget` should be the same as //# `ref->target()`, but may not be in cases where `ref` is //# only a tag. if (WirePointer.kind(ref) == WirePointer.FAR) { SegmentBuilder resultSegment = segment.getArena().getSegment(FarPointer.getSegmentId(ref)); int padOffset = FarPointer.positionInSegment(ref); long pad = WirePointer.get(resultSegment.buffer, padOffset); if (! FarPointer.isDoubleFar(ref)) { return new FollowBuilderFarsResult(, pad), pad, resultSegment); } //# Landing pad is another far pointer. It is followed by a //# tag describing the pointed-to object. throw new Error("unimplemented"); } else { return new FollowBuilderFarsResult(refTarget, ref, segment); } } static class FollowFarsResult { public final int ptr; public final long ref; public final SegmentReader segment; FollowFarsResult(int ptr, long ref, SegmentReader segment) { this.ptr = ptr; this.ref = ref; this.segment = segment; } } public static FollowFarsResult followFars(long ref, int refTarget, SegmentReader segment) { //# If the segment is null, this is an unchecked message, //# so there are no FAR pointers. if (segment != null && WirePointer.kind(ref) == WirePointer.FAR) { SegmentReader resultSegment = segment.arena.tryGetSegment(FarPointer.getSegmentId(ref)); int ptr = FarPointer.positionInSegment(ref); int padWords = FarPointer.isDoubleFar(ref) ? 2 : 1; // TODO read limiting int pad = ptr; if (!FarPointer.isDoubleFar(ref)) { return new FollowFarsResult(, WirePointer.get(resultSegment.buffer, pad)), pad, resultSegment); } else { //# Landing pad is another far pointer. It is //# followed by a tag describing the pointed-to //# object. throw new Error("unimplemented"); } } else { return new FollowFarsResult(refTarget, ref, segment); } } public static StructBuilder initStructPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, StructSize size) { AllocateResult allocation = allocate(refOffset, segment,, WirePointer.STRUCT); StructPointer.setFromStructSize(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.refOffset, size); return new StructBuilder(allocation.segment, allocation.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, allocation.ptr +, * 64, size.pointers, (byte)0); } public static StructBuilder getWritableStructPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, StructSize size) { long ref = WirePointer.get(segment.buffer, refOffset); int target =, ref); if (WirePointer.isNull(ref)) { return initStructPointer(refOffset, segment, size); } FollowBuilderFarsResult resolved = followBuilderFars(ref, target, segment); short oldDataSize = StructPointer.dataSize(resolved.ref); short oldPointerCount = StructPointer.ptrCount(resolved.ref); int oldPointerSectionOffset = resolved.ptr + oldDataSize; if (oldDataSize < || oldPointerCount < size.pointers) { throw new Error("unimplemented"); } else { return new StructBuilder(resolved.segment, resolved.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, oldPointerSectionOffset, oldDataSize * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, oldPointerCount, (byte)0); } } public static ListBuilder initListPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, int elementCount, byte elementSize) { if (elementSize == FieldSize.INLINE_COMPOSITE) { throw new InternalError("Should have called initStructListPointer instead"); } int dataSize = FieldSize.dataBitsPerElement(elementSize); int pointerCount = FieldSize.pointersPerElement(elementSize); int step = dataSize + pointerCount * Constants.BITS_PER_POINTER; int wordCount = roundBitsUpToWords((long)elementCount * (long)step); AllocateResult allocation = allocate(refOffset, segment, wordCount, WirePointer.LIST); ListPointer.set(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.refOffset, elementSize, elementCount); return new ListBuilder(allocation.segment, allocation.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, elementCount, step, dataSize, (short)pointerCount); } public static ListBuilder initStructListPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, int elementCount, StructSize elementSize) { if (elementSize.preferredListEncoding != FieldSize.INLINE_COMPOSITE) { //# Small data-only struct. Allocate a list of primitives instead. return initListPointer(refOffset, segment, elementCount, elementSize.preferredListEncoding); } int wordsPerElement =; //# Allocate the list, prefixed by a single WirePointer. int wordCount = elementCount * wordsPerElement; AllocateResult allocation = allocate(refOffset, segment, Constants.POINTER_SIZE_IN_WORDS + wordCount, WirePointer.LIST); //# Initialize the pointer. ListPointer.setInlineComposite(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.refOffset, wordCount); WirePointer.setKindAndInlineCompositeListElementCount(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.ptr, WirePointer.STRUCT, elementCount); StructPointer.setFromStructSize(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.ptr, elementSize); return new ListBuilder(allocation.segment, (allocation.ptr + 1) * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, elementCount, wordsPerElement * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, elementSize.pointers); } public static ListBuilder getWritableListPointer(int origRefOffset, SegmentBuilder origSegment, byte elementSize) { if (elementSize == FieldSize.INLINE_COMPOSITE) { throw new InternalError("Use getStructList{Element,Field} for structs"); } long origRef = WirePointer.get(origSegment.buffer, origRefOffset); int origRefTarget =, origRef); if (WirePointer.isNull(origRef)) { throw new Error("unimplemented"); } //# We must verify that the pointer has the right size. Unlike //# in getWritableStructListReference(), we never need to //# "upgrade" the data, because this method is called only for //# non-struct lists, and there is no allowed upgrade path *to* //# a non-struct list, only *from* them. FollowBuilderFarsResult resolved = followBuilderFars(origRef, origRefTarget, origSegment); if (WirePointer.kind(resolved.ref) != WirePointer.LIST) { throw new DecodeException("Called getList{Field,Element}() but existing pointer is not a list"); } byte oldSize = ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref); if (oldSize == FieldSize.INLINE_COMPOSITE) { //# The existing element size is InlineComposite, which //# means that it is at least two words, which makes it //# bigger than the expected element size. Since fields can //# only grow when upgraded, the existing data must have //# been written with a newer version of the protocol. We //# therefore never need to upgrade the data in this case, //# but we do need to validate that it is a valid upgrade //# from what we expected. throw new Error("unimplemented"); } else { int dataSize = FieldSize.dataBitsPerElement(oldSize); int pointerCount = FieldSize.pointersPerElement(oldSize); if (dataSize < FieldSize.dataBitsPerElement(elementSize)) { throw new DecodeException("Existing list value is incompatible with expected type."); } if (pointerCount < FieldSize.pointersPerElement(elementSize)) { throw new DecodeException("Existing list value is incompatible with expected type."); } int step = dataSize + pointerCount * Constants.BITS_PER_POINTER; return new ListBuilder(resolved.segment, resolved.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, ListPointer.elementCount(resolved.ref), step, dataSize, (short) pointerCount); } } // size is in bytes public static Text.Builder initTextPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, int size) { //# The byte list must include a NUL terminator. int byteSize = size + 1; //# Allocate the space. AllocateResult allocation = allocate(refOffset, segment, roundBytesUpToWords(byteSize), WirePointer.LIST); //# Initialize the pointer. ListPointer.set(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.refOffset, FieldSize.BYTE, byteSize); return new Text.Builder(allocation.segment.buffer, allocation.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, size); } public static Text.Builder setTextPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment, Text.Reader value) { Text.Builder builder = initTextPointer(refOffset, segment, value.size); // TODO is there a way to do this with bulk methods? for (int i = 0; i < builder.size; ++i) { builder.buffer.put(builder.offset + i, value.buffer.get(value.offset + i)); } return builder; } public static Text.Builder getWritableTextPointer(int refOffset, SegmentBuilder segment) { long ref = WirePointer.get(segment.buffer, refOffset); if (WirePointer.isNull(ref)) { // TODO default values return new Text.Builder(null, 0, 0); } int refTarget =, ref); FollowBuilderFarsResult resolved = followBuilderFars(ref, refTarget, segment); if (WirePointer.kind(resolved.ref) != WirePointer.LIST) { throw new DecodeException("Called getText{Field,Element} but existing pointer is not a list."); } if (ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref) != FieldSize.BYTE) { throw new DecodeException( "Called getText{Field,Element} but existing list pointer is not byte-sized."); } //# Subtract 1 from the size for the NUL terminator. return new Text.Builder(resolved.segment.buffer, resolved.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, ListPointer.elementCount(resolved.ref) - 1); } public static StructReader readStructPointer(SegmentReader segment, int refOffset, int nestingLimit) { // TODO error handling. is_null if (nestingLimit <= 0) { throw new DecodeException("Message is too deeply nested or contains cycles."); } long ref = WirePointer.get(segment.buffer, refOffset); int refTarget =, ref); FollowFarsResult resolved = followFars(ref, refTarget, segment); int dataSizeWords = StructPointer.dataSize(resolved.ref); if (WirePointer.kind(resolved.ref) != WirePointer.STRUCT) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains non-struct pointer where struct pointer was expected."); } // TODO "bounds_check" (read limiting) return new StructReader(resolved.segment, resolved.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, (resolved.ptr + dataSizeWords), dataSizeWords * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, StructPointer.ptrCount(resolved.ref), (byte)0, nestingLimit - 1); } public static ListReader readListPointer(SegmentReader segment, int refOffset, byte expectedElementSize, int nestingLimit) { long ref = WirePointer.get(segment.buffer, refOffset); if (WirePointer.isNull(ref)) { return new ListReader(); } if (nestingLimit <= 0) { throw new Error("nesting limit exceeded"); } int refTarget =, ref); FollowFarsResult resolved = followFars(ref, refTarget, segment); switch (ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref)) { case FieldSize.INLINE_COMPOSITE : { int wordCount = ListPointer.inlineCompositeWordCount(resolved.ref); long tag = WirePointer.get(resolved.segment.buffer, resolved.ptr); int ptr = resolved.ptr + 1; // TODO bounds check int size = WirePointer.inlineCompositeListElementCount(tag); int wordsPerElement = StructPointer.wordSize(tag); // TODO check that elemements do not overrun word count // TODO check whether the size is compatible return new ListReader(resolved.segment, ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, size, wordsPerElement * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, StructPointer.dataSize(tag) * Constants.BITS_PER_WORD, StructPointer.ptrCount(tag), nestingLimit - 1); } default : { //# This is a primitive or pointer list, but all such //# lists can also be interpreted as struct lists. We //# need to compute the data size and pointer count for //# such structs. int dataSize = FieldSize.dataBitsPerElement(ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref)); int pointerCount = FieldSize.pointersPerElement(ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref)); int step = dataSize + pointerCount * Constants.BITS_PER_POINTER; // TODO "bounds_check" //# Verify that the elements are at least as large as //# the expected type. Note that if we expected //# InlineComposite, the expected sizes here will be //# zero, because bounds checking will be performed at //# field access time. So this check here is for the //# case where we expected a list of some primitive or //# pointer type. int expectedDataBitsPerElement = FieldSize.dataBitsPerElement(expectedElementSize); int expectedPointersPerElement = FieldSize.pointersPerElement(expectedElementSize); if (expectedDataBitsPerElement > dataSize) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains list with incompatible element type."); } if (expectedPointersPerElement > pointerCount) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains list with incompatible element type."); } return new ListReader(resolved.segment, resolved.ptr * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD, ListPointer.elementCount(resolved.ref), step, dataSize, (short)pointerCount, nestingLimit - 1); } } } public static Text.Reader readTextPointer(SegmentReader segment, int refOffset) { long ref = WirePointer.get(segment.buffer, refOffset); if (WirePointer.isNull(ref)) { // XXX should use the default value return new Text.Reader(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]), 0, 0); } int refTarget =, ref); FollowFarsResult resolved = followFars(ref, refTarget, segment); int size = ListPointer.elementCount(resolved.ref); if (WirePointer.kind(resolved.ref) != WirePointer.LIST) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains non-list pointer where text was expected."); } if (ListPointer.elementSize(resolved.ref) != FieldSize.BYTE) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains list pointer of non-bytes where text was expected."); } // TODO bounds check? if (size == 0 || resolved.segment.buffer.get(8 * resolved.ptr + size - 1) != 0) { throw new DecodeException("Message contains text that is not NUL-terminated."); } return new Text.Reader(resolved.segment.buffer, resolved.ptr, size - 1); } }