package org.capnproto; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; public final class BuilderArena implements Arena { public enum AllocationStrategy { FIXED_SIZE, GROW_HEURISTICALLY } public static final int SUGGESTED_FIRST_SEGMENT_WORDS = 1024; public static final AllocationStrategy SUGGESTED_ALLOCATION_STRATEGY = AllocationStrategy.GROW_HEURISTICALLY; public final ArrayList segments; public int nextSize; public final AllocationStrategy allocationStrategy; public BuilderArena(int firstSegmentSizeWords, AllocationStrategy allocationStrategy) { this.segments = new ArrayList(); this.nextSize = firstSegmentSizeWords; this.allocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; SegmentBuilder segment0 = new SegmentBuilder( ByteBuffer.allocate(firstSegmentSizeWords * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD), this); segment0.buffer.mark(); segment0.buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.segments.add(segment0); } public SegmentReader tryGetSegment(int id) { return this.segments.get(id); } public SegmentBuilder getSegment(int id) { return this.segments.get(id); } public static class AllocateResult { public final SegmentBuilder segment; // offset to the beginning the of allocated memory public final int offset; public AllocateResult(SegmentBuilder segment, int offset) { this.segment = segment; this.offset = offset; } } public AllocateResult allocate(int amount) { int len = this.segments.size(); // we allocate the first segment in the constructor. int result = this.segments.get(len - 1).allocate(amount); if (result != SegmentBuilder.FAILED_ALLOCATION) { return new AllocateResult(this.segments.get(len - 1), result); } // allocate_owned_memory int size = Math.max(amount, this.nextSize); SegmentBuilder newSegment = new SegmentBuilder( ByteBuffer.allocate(size * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD), this); switch (this.allocationStrategy) { case GROW_HEURISTICALLY: this.nextSize += size; break; default: break; } // -------- newSegment.buffer.mark(); newSegment.buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); = len; this.segments.add(newSegment); return new AllocateResult(newSegment, newSegment.allocate(amount)); } public final ByteBuffer[] getSegmentsForOutput() { ByteBuffer[] result = new ByteBuffer[this.segments.size()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < this.segments.size(); ++ii) { SegmentBuilder segment = segments.get(ii); segment.buffer.reset(); ByteBuffer slice = segment.buffer.slice(); slice.limit(segment.currentSize() * Constants.BYTES_PER_WORD); result[ii] = slice; } return result; } }