728 lines
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728 lines
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package org.capnproto;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
public final class Capability {
static class BuilderContext {
CapTableBuilder capTable;
static class ReaderContext {
CapTableReader capTable;
public static abstract class Factory<T extends ClientBase>
implements FromPointerReader<T>,
SetPointerBuilder<T, T> {
public abstract T newClient(ClientHook hook);
public T fromPointerReader(SegmentReader segment, CapTableReader capTable, int pointer, int nestingLimit) {
return newClient(
WireHelpers.readCapabilityPointer(segment, capTable, pointer, 0));
public T fromPointerBuilder(SegmentBuilder segment, CapTableBuilder capTable, int pointer) {
return newClient(
WireHelpers.readCapabilityPointer(segment, capTable, pointer, 0));
public T initFromPointerBuilder(SegmentBuilder segment, CapTableBuilder capTable, int pointer, int elementCount) {
return newClient(
WireHelpers.readCapabilityPointer(segment, capTable, pointer, 0));
public void setPointerBuilder(SegmentBuilder segment, CapTableBuilder capTable, int pointer, T value) {
WireHelpers.setCapabilityPointer(segment, capTable, pointer, value.getHook());
public static class CapabilityFactory extends Factory<Client> {
public Client newClient(ClientHook hook) {
return new Client(hook);
public static final CapabilityFactory factory = new CapabilityFactory();
public interface ClientBase {
ClientHook getHook();
default CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> whenResolved() {
return this.getHook().whenResolved();
* If the capability's server implemented {@link Server.getFd} returning non-null, and all
* RPC links between the client and server support FD passing, returns a file descriptor pointing
* to the same underlying file description as the server did. Returns null if the server provided
* no FD or if FD passing was unavailable at some intervening link.
* <p>
* This returns a Promise to handle the case of an unresolved promise capability, e.g. a
* pipelined capability. The promise resolves no later than when the capability settles, i.e.
* the same time `whenResolved()` would complete.
* <p>
* The file descriptor will remain open at least as long as the {@link Client} remains alive.
* If you need it to last longer, you will need to `dup()` it.
default CompletableFuture<Integer> getFd() {
var fd = this.getHook().getFd();
if (fd != null) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(fd);
var promise = this.getHook().whenMoreResolved();
if (promise != null) {
return promise.thenCompose(newHook -> new Client(newHook).getFd());
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
default <T> Request<T> newCall(FromPointerBuilder<T> paramsFactory, long interfaceId, short methodId) {
var request = this.getHook().newCall(interfaceId, methodId);
return new Request<>() {
public FromPointerBuilder<T> getParamsFactory() {
return paramsFactory;
public Request<AnyPointer.Builder> getTypelessRequest() {
return request;
public Request<T> getBaseRequest() {
return this;
default <T> StreamingRequest<T> newStreamingCall(FromPointerBuilder<T> paramsFactory, long interfaceId, short methodId) {
var request = this.getHook().newCall(interfaceId, methodId);
var streamingRequest = new AnyPointer.StreamingRequest(request.getParams(), request.getHook());
return new StreamingRequest<>() {
public FromPointerBuilder<T> getParamsFactory() {
return paramsFactory;
public StreamingRequest<AnyPointer.Builder> getTypelessRequest() {
return streamingRequest;
public static class Client implements ClientBase {
private final ClientHook hook;
public Client() {
public Client(Client other) {
public Client(Server server) {
public Client(ClientHook hook) {
this.hook = hook;
public Client(CompletionStage<? extends Client> promise) {
public Client(Throwable exc) {
public ClientHook getHook() {
return this.hook;
private static ClientHook makeLocalClient(Server server) {
return server.makeLocalClient();
public abstract static class Server {
public static final CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> READY_NOW = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
private static final Object BRAND = new Object();
private ClientHook hook;
ClientHook makeLocalClient() {
return new LocalClient();
ClientHook makeLocalClient(CapabilityServerSetBase capServerSet) {
return new LocalClient(capServerSet);
private final class LocalClient implements ClientHook {
private CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> resolveTask;
private ClientHook resolved;
private boolean blocked = false;
private final CapabilityServerSetBase capServerSet;
LocalClient() {
LocalClient(CapabilityServerSetBase capServerSet) {
Server.this.hook = this;
this.capServerSet = capServerSet;
var resolveTask = shortenPath();
if (resolveTask != null) {
this.resolveTask = resolveTask.thenAccept(cap -> {
this.resolved = cap.getHook();
public Request<AnyPointer.Builder> newCall(long interfaceId, short methodId) {
var hook = new LocalRequest(interfaceId, methodId, this);
var root = hook.message.getRoot(AnyPointer.factory);
return new AnyPointer.Request(root, hook);
public VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(long interfaceId, short methodId, CallContextHook ctx) {
assert !blocked: "Blocked condition not implemented";
if (blocked) {
// TODO implement blocked behaviour
return null;
// Note this comment from the C++ source:
// "We don't want to actually dispatch the call synchronously, because we don't want the callee
// to have any side effects before the promise is returned to the caller. This helps avoid
// race conditions.
// So, we do an evalLater() here.
// Note also that QueuedClient depends on this evalLater() to ensure that pipelined calls don't
// complete before 'whenMoreResolved()' promises resolve."
// As the Java implementation doesn't (currently) have an evalLater() call, we obtain a promise
// from the CallContextHook that will be completed by QueuedClient when appropriate.
var promise = ctx.releaseCall().thenCompose(
void_ -> this.callInternal(interfaceId, methodId, ctx));
var pipelinePromise = promise.thenApply(x -> {
return (PipelineHook)new LocalPipeline(ctx);
var tailCall = ctx.onTailCall().thenApply(pipeline -> pipeline.hook);
pipelinePromise = tailCall.applyToEither(pipelinePromise, pipeline -> pipeline);
return new VoidPromiseAndPipeline(
new QueuedPipeline(pipelinePromise));
public ClientHook getResolved() {
return this.resolved;
public CompletableFuture<ClientHook> whenMoreResolved() {
if (this.resolved != null) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(this.resolved);
else if (this.resolveTask != null) {
return this.resolveTask.thenApply(void_ -> this.resolved);
else {
return null;
public Object getBrand() {
return BRAND;
CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> callInternal(long interfaceId, short methodId, CallContextHook ctx) {
var result = dispatchCall(
interfaceId, methodId,
new CallContext<>(AnyPointer.factory, AnyPointer.factory, ctx));
if (result.isStreaming()) {
// TODO streaming
return null;
else {
return result.getPromise();
public CompletableFuture<Server> getLocalServer(CapabilityServerSetBase capServerSet) {
if (this.capServerSet == capServerSet) {
if (this.blocked) {
assert false: "Blocked local server not implemented";
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Server.this);
return null;
* If this returns non-null, then it is a promise which, when resolved, points to a new
* capability to which future calls can be sent. Use this in cases where an object implementation
* might discover a more-optimized path some time after it starts.
* Implementing this (and returning non-null) will cause the capability to be advertised as a
* promise at the RPC protocol level. Once the promise returned by shortenPath() resolves, the
* remote client will receive a `Resolve` message updating it to point at the new destination.
* `shortenPath()` can also be used as a hack to shut up the client. If shortenPath() returns
* a promise that resolves to an exception, then the client will be notified that the capability
* is now broken. Assuming the client is using a correct RPC implemnetation, this should cause
* all further calls initiated by the client to this capability to immediately fail client-side,
* sparing the server's bandwidth.
* The default implementation always returns null.
public CompletableFuture<Client> shortenPath() {
return null;
protected Client thisCap() {
return new Client(this.hook);
protected static <Params, Results> CallContext<Params, Results> internalGetTypedContext(
FromPointerReader<Params> paramsFactory,
FromPointerBuilder<Results> resultsFactory,
CallContext<AnyPointer.Reader, AnyPointer.Builder> typeless) {
return new CallContext<>(paramsFactory, resultsFactory, typeless.getHook());
protected static <Params> StreamingCallContext<Params> internalGetTypedStreamingContext(
FromPointerReader<Params> paramsFactory,
CallContext<AnyPointer.Reader, AnyPointer.Builder> typeless) {
return new StreamingCallContext<>(paramsFactory, typeless.getHook());
protected abstract DispatchCallResult dispatchCall(
long interfaceId, short methodId,
CallContext<AnyPointer.Reader, AnyPointer.Builder> context);
protected static DispatchCallResult streamResult(CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> result) {
// For streaming calls, we need to add an evalNow() here so that exceptions thrown
// directly from the call can propagate to later calls. If we don't capture the
// exception properly then the caller will never find out that this is a streaming
// call (indicated by the boolean in the return value) so won't know to propagate
// the exception.
// TODO the above comment...
return new DispatchCallResult(result, true);
protected static DispatchCallResult result(CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> result) {
return new DispatchCallResult(result, false);
protected static CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> internalUnimplemented(String actualInterfaceName, long requestedTypeId) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(RpcException.unimplemented(
"Method not implemented. " + actualInterfaceName + " " + requestedTypeId));
protected static CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> internalUnimplemented(String interfaceName, long typeId, short methodId) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(RpcException.unimplemented(
"Method not implemented. " + interfaceName + " " + typeId + " " + methodId));
protected static CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> internalUnimplemented(String interfaceName, String methodName, long typeId, short methodId) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(RpcException.unimplemented(
"Method not implemented. " + interfaceName + " " + typeId + " " + methodName + " " + methodId));
public static ClientHook newLocalPromiseClient(CompletionStage<ClientHook> promise) {
return new QueuedClient(promise.toCompletableFuture());
public static PipelineHook newLocalPromisePipeline(CompletionStage<PipelineHook> promise) {
return new QueuedPipeline(promise.toCompletableFuture());
private static class LocalRequest implements RequestHook {
private final MessageBuilder message = new MessageBuilder();
private final long interfaceId;
private final short methodId;
private final ClientHook client;
private final CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> callRelease = new CompletableFuture<>();
LocalRequest(long interfaceId, short methodId, ClientHook client) {
this.interfaceId = interfaceId;
this.methodId = methodId;
this.client = client;
public RemotePromise<AnyPointer.Reader> send() {
var cancel = new CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void>();
var context = new LocalCallContext(message, client, cancel, this.callRelease);
var promiseAndPipeline = client.call(interfaceId, methodId, context);
var promise = promiseAndPipeline.promise.thenApply(x -> {
context.getResults(); // force allocation
return context.response;
cancel.whenComplete((void_, exc) -> {
assert promiseAndPipeline.pipeline != null;
return new RemotePromise<>(promise, new AnyPointer.Pipeline(promiseAndPipeline.pipeline));
public Object getBrand() {
return null;
void releaseCall() {
private static final class LocalPipeline implements PipelineHook {
private final CallContextHook ctx;
private final AnyPointer.Reader results;
LocalPipeline(CallContextHook ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.results = ctx.getResults().asReader();
public final ClientHook getPipelinedCap(PipelineOp[] ops) {
return this.results.getPipelinedCap(ops);
private static final class LocalResponse implements ResponseHook {
final MessageBuilder message;
LocalResponse(int sizeHint) {
this.message = new MessageBuilder(sizeHint);
private static class LocalCallContext implements CallContextHook {
final CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> cancelAllowed;
private final CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> callRelease;
CompletableFuture<AnyPointer.Pipeline> tailCallPipeline;
MessageBuilder request;
Response<AnyPointer.Reader> response;
AnyPointer.Builder responseBuilder;
ClientHook clientRef;
LocalCallContext(MessageBuilder request,
ClientHook clientRef,
CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> cancelAllowed,
CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> callRelease) {
this.request = request;
this.clientRef = clientRef;
this.cancelAllowed = cancelAllowed;
this.callRelease = callRelease;
public AnyPointer.Reader getParams() {
return this.request.getRoot(AnyPointer.factory).asReader();
public void releaseParams() {
this.request = null;
public AnyPointer.Builder getResults(int sizeHint) {
if (this.response == null) {
var localResponse = new LocalResponse(sizeHint);
this.responseBuilder = localResponse.message.getRoot(AnyPointer.factory);
this.response = new Response<>(this.responseBuilder.asReader(), localResponse);
assert this.response != null;
return this.responseBuilder;
public void allowCancellation() {
public CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> tailCall(RequestHook request) {
var result = this.directTailCall(request);
if (this.tailCallPipeline != null) {
this.tailCallPipeline.complete(new AnyPointer.Pipeline(result.pipeline));
return result.promise;
public CompletableFuture<AnyPointer.Pipeline> onTailCall() {
this.tailCallPipeline = new CompletableFuture<>();
return this.tailCallPipeline.copy();
public ClientHook.VoidPromiseAndPipeline directTailCall(RequestHook request) {
assert this.response == null : "Can't call tailCall() after initializing the results struct.";
var promise = request.send();
var voidPromise = promise._getResponse().thenAccept(tailResponse -> {
this.response = tailResponse;
return new ClientHook.VoidPromiseAndPipeline(voidPromise, promise.pipeline().hook);
public CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> releaseCall() {
return this.callRelease;
public static ClientHook newBrokenCap(String reason) {
return newBrokenClient(reason, false, ClientHook.BROKEN_CAPABILITY_BRAND);
public static ClientHook newBrokenCap(Throwable exc) {
return newBrokenClient(exc, false, ClientHook.BROKEN_CAPABILITY_BRAND);
public static ClientHook newNullCap() {
return newBrokenClient(new RuntimeException("Called null capability"), true, ClientHook.NULL_CAPABILITY_BRAND);
static private ClientHook newBrokenClient(String reason, boolean resolved, Object brand) {
return newBrokenClient(new RuntimeException(reason), resolved, brand);
static private ClientHook newBrokenClient(Throwable exc, boolean resolved, Object brand) {
return new ClientHook() {
public Request<AnyPointer.Builder> newCall(long interfaceId, short methodId) {
var broken = Request.newBrokenRequest(AnyPointer.factory, exc);
return new AnyPointer.Request(broken.getParams(), broken.getHook());
public VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(long interfaceId, short methodId, CallContextHook context) {
return new VoidPromiseAndPipeline(CompletableFuture.failedFuture(exc), PipelineHook.newBrokenPipeline(exc));
public CompletableFuture<ClientHook> whenMoreResolved() {
return resolved ? null : CompletableFuture.failedFuture(exc);
public Object getBrand() {
return brand;
// Call queues
// These classes handle pipelining in the case where calls need to be queued in-memory until some
// local operation completes.
// A PipelineHook which simply queues calls while waiting for a PipelineHook to which to forward them.
private static final class QueuedPipeline implements PipelineHook {
private final CompletableFuture<PipelineHook> promise;
private final CompletableFuture<Void> selfResolutionOp;
PipelineHook redirect;
private final Map<List<PipelineOp>, ClientHook> clientMap = new HashMap<>();
QueuedPipeline(CompletableFuture<PipelineHook> promiseParam) {
this.promise = promiseParam;
this.selfResolutionOp = promise.handle((pipeline, exc) -> {
this.redirect = exc == null
? pipeline
: PipelineHook.newBrokenPipeline(exc);
return null;
public final ClientHook getPipelinedCap(PipelineOp[] ops) {
if (redirect != null) {
return redirect.getPipelinedCap(ops);
var key = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ops));
return this.clientMap.computeIfAbsent(key,
k -> new QueuedClient(this.promise.thenApply(
pipeline -> pipeline.getPipelinedCap(ops))));
public void close() {
if (this.redirect != null) {
else {
// A ClientHook which simply queues calls while waiting for a ClientHook to which to forward them.
private static class QueuedClient implements ClientHook {
private final CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> selfResolutionOp;
// Represents the operation which will set `redirect` when possible.
private final CompletableFuture<ClientHook> promiseForClientResolution = new CompletableFuture<>();
// whenMoreResolved() returns forks of this promise. These must resolve *after* queued calls
// have been initiated (so that any calls made in the whenMoreResolved() handler are correctly
// delivered after calls made earlier), but *before* any queued calls return (because it might
// confuse the application if a queued call returns before the capability on which it was made
// resolves).
private ClientHook redirect;
private final Queue<CompletableFuture<ClientHook>> queuedCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final Queue<LocalRequest> pendingCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();
QueuedClient(CompletableFuture<ClientHook> promise) {
this.selfResolutionOp = promise.handle((inner, exc) -> {
this.redirect = exc == null
? inner
: newBrokenCap(exc);
// Resolve promises for call forwarding.
for (var call: this.queuedCalls) {
// Now resolve the promise for client resolution
// Finally, execute any pending calls.
for (var hook: this.pendingCalls) {
return null;
public Request<AnyPointer.Builder> newCall(long interfaceId, short methodId) {
var hook = new LocalRequest(interfaceId, methodId, this);
var root = hook.message.getRoot(AnyPointer.factory);
return new AnyPointer.Request(root, hook);
public VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(long interfaceId, short methodId, CallContextHook ctx) {
var promise = new CompletableFuture<ClientHook>();
var callResult = promise.thenApply(
client -> client.call(interfaceId, methodId, ctx));
var pipelineResult = callResult.thenApply(result -> result.pipeline);
var pipeline = new QueuedPipeline(pipelineResult);
return new VoidPromiseAndPipeline(pipelineResult.thenRun(() -> {}), pipeline);
public ClientHook getResolved() {
return redirect;
public CompletableFuture<ClientHook> whenMoreResolved() {
return this.promiseForClientResolution.copy();
static class CapabilityServerSetBase {
ClientHook addInternal(Server server) {
return server.makeLocalClient(this);
CompletableFuture<Server> getLocalServerInternal(ClientHook hook) {
for (;;) {
var next = hook.getResolved();
if (next != null) {
hook = next;
else {
if (hook.getBrand() == Server.BRAND) {
var promise = ((Server.LocalClient)hook).getLocalServer(this);
if (promise != null) {
return promise;
// The capability isn't part of this set.
var resolver = hook.whenMoreResolved();
if (resolver != null) {
// This hook is an unresolved promise. It might resolve eventually to a local server, so wait
// for it.
return resolver.thenCompose(this::getLocalServerInternal);
else {
// Cap is settled, so it definitely will never resolve to a member of this set.
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
public static final class CapabilityServerSet<T extends Capability.Server> extends CapabilityServerSetBase {
* Create a new capability Client for the given Server and also add this server to the set.
<U extends Capability.Client> U add(Capability.Factory<U> factory, T server) {
var hook = this.addInternal(server);
return factory.newClient(hook);
CompletableFuture<T> getLocalServer(Client client) {
return this.getLocalServerInternal(client.getHook())
.thenApply(server -> (T)server);